FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G085: Aguila VFD Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:02 PointID 28301 28302 28316 28306 28304 28305 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 Last Rpt 70.1294 23.6196 30.1608 0.066148 0.022049 156 StatType last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg 10/12/24 0101 67 25 30 0.1 0.0 156 0001 70 21 28 0.0 0.0 116 10/11/24 2301 72 22 32 0.1 0.0 257 2201 77 19 32 0.1 0.1 350 2101 82 16 33 2.5 2.0 272 2001 85 15 34 2.6 2.0 264 1901 89 15 36 3.2 3.2 231 1801 94 13 37 2.4 1.6 268 1701 98 12 37 7.0 4.5 345 1601 99 12 37 7.5 6.8 266 1501 100 12 39 4.8 2.9 245 1401 99 13 39 6.8 6.8 164 1301 98 12 37 4.9 3.4 320 1201 97 12 37 5.8 3.6 100 1101 95 12 36 5.2 4.5 139 1001 91 14 36 6.8 5.2 127 0901 85 16 34 5.8 3.9 88 0801 75 20 31 2.2 2.2 120 0701 67 24 29 2.7 1.9 84 0601 66 24 29 1.6 0.4 132 0501 67 23 29 2.5 2.0 90 0401 66 24 29 0.1 0.0 125 0301 66 23 28 0.1 0.1 161 0201 68 23 29 0.1 0.0 142 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G086: Bartlett Lake Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:03 PointID 82701 82702 82716 82706 82704 82705 82703 82711 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 0030 Last Rpt 76.5854 36.9329 47.0777 2.91052 2.06452 172 1013.73 1 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb wsqm 10/12/24 0101 77 36 47 2.9 2.1 172 1014 1 0001 75 28 39 2.2 0.9 273 1014 0 10/11/24 2301 77 37 48 2.4 0.5 142 1014 1 2201 80 24 40 0.0 0.0 315 1013 0 2101 84 19 37 0.0 0.0 287 1013 0 2001 85 23 43 0.0 0.0 247 1013 0 1901 91 15 38 4.3 2.4 340 1013 0 1801 97 13 38 3.7 1.7 273 1012 1 1701 99 13 40 5.4 3.7 197 1012 20 1601 101 11 38 9.4 5.2 183 1012 234 1501 101 12 40 8.4 5.7 172 1012 410 1401 100 12 38 3.7 3.7 218 1013 598 1301 100 12 39 6.4 4.7 196 1014 639 1201 98 14 41 4.2 2.7 188 1015 673 1101 94 14 38 6.1 3.1 83 1016 664 1001 88 21 43 10.4 5.9 94 1016 581 0901 84 20 38 8.0 6.2 66 1016 454 0801 79 25 40 8.8 6.4 77 1016 278 0701 75 27 39 5.3 3.2 349 1015 87 0601 74 33 43 7.8 4.1 9 1014 1 0501 75 32 43 8.1 5.6 78 1014 0 0401 74 34 43 2.2 0.9 164 1014 0 0301 75 30 42 0.0 0.0 228 1014 0 0201 74 33 43 1.8 0.5 305 1013 1 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G087: Belmont MountainsWeather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:04 PointID 46301 46302 46316 46306 46304 46305 46311 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 Last Rpt 83.5984 18.8467 37.0595 3.72634 1.05592 216 3.41802 StatType last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg wsqm 10/12/24 0101 84 19 37 3.7 1.1 216 3 0001 86 17 37 5.7 3.0 294 3 10/11/24 2301 86 17 36 2.2 1.6 228 5 2201 86 16 36 6.2 3.8 277 5 2101 87 17 38 4.7 2.6 223 5 2001 89 17 38 4.1 2.8 218 5 1901 91 15 38 3.7 2.8 217 9 1801 96 13 38 5.1 3.0 226 13 1701 100 12 38 8.2 5.0 228 134 1601 101 11 38 8.6 4.9 254 346 1501 103 10 37 10.0 2.8 239 546 1401 100 11 38 7.9 4.9 108 694 1301 98 12 37 6.7 3.2 65 771 1201 97 13 38 6.5 3.6 3 793 1101 93 13 36 7.6 4.0 119 738 1001 92 13 35 5.4 2.4 30 606 0901 86 16 36 5.8 2.6 349 314 0801 84 17 35 4.3 1.6 201 207 0701 79 21 36 0.1 0.1 228 35 0601 81 19 36 2.5 1.3 119 2 0501 81 19 35 2.1 0.6 87 2 0401 80 19 34 1.8 1.8 298 2 0301 79 19 34 4.9 2.4 228 5 0201 84 17 35 4.3 0.9 194 5 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G088: Buckeye FRS #1 Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:05 PointID 44001 44002 44016 44006 44004 44005 44003 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 Last Rpt 85.0765 13.0423 26.3996 5.00521 3.0265 315 1014.82 StatType last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb 10/12/24 0101 80 13 26 5.0 3.0 315 1015 0001 85 11 26 6.9 4.7 0 1015 10/11/24 2301 85 11 26 7.5 5.6 5 1015 2201 86 12 28 4.8 2.6 9 1015 2101 91 11 31 8.2 5.1 340 1015 2001 92 8 24 4.1 1.0 278 1014 1901 96 7 23 0.0 0.0 269 1014 1801 101 5 20 4.4 2.7 252 1014 1701 104 4 17 4.9 2.2 170 1013 1601 105 5 19 6.8 3.4 210 1014 1501 105 4 17 9.5 4.8 250 1014 1401 103 5 20 6.0 2.2 279 1015 1301 101 6 23 5.2 2.2 283 1016 1201 99 8 28 3.6 0.9 337 1017 1101 94 11 31 5.8 2.1 240 1017 1001 90 13 34 4.8 1.3 195 1018 0901 88 13 31 0.9 0.0 107 1018 0801 79 15 29 4.2 2.4 328 1017 0701 74 16 27 3.8 0.7 28 1016 0601 73 17 27 14.5 4.4 354 1015 0501 73 16 26 4.6 3.1 353 1015 0401 74 16 26 5.1 3.0 87 1015 0301 76 14 25 3.8 2.7 32 1015 0201 78 13 25 5.9 3.8 295 1014 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G089: Camelback @ Loop 303 Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:05 PointID 87501 87502 87516 87506 87504 87505 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 Last Rpt 82.7554 20.2223 38.0342 0 0 210 StatType last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg 10/12/24 0101 83 20 38 0.0 0.0 210 0001 86 18 37 3.2 1.6 131 10/11/24 2301 89 11 30 0.0 0.0 287 2201 89 13 33 0.0 0.0 345 2101 95 9 27 4.9 1.5 224 2001 92 13 35 1.4 0.0 219 1901 96 12 37 5.6 3.7 266 1801 98 11 36 5.9 3.2 158 1701 101 9 33 6.5 4.4 157 1601 102 8 30 6.9 2.5 124 1501 102 8 29 4.8 2.4 147 1401 101 9 31 4.1 1.7 157 1301 99 11 36 5.0 1.4 256 1201 96 13 37 5.3 1.4 48 1101 95 13 37 5.2 1.1 10 1001 91 14 36 4.0 0.5 42 0901 85 18 37 3.5 0.8 14 0801 79 24 39 3.0 0.6 62 0701 75 22 33 4.2 2.1 305 0601 73 31 40 3.3 0.6 43 0501 73 33 41 0.2 0.0 309 0401 74 34 43 2.4 0.5 16 0301 77 31 44 0.0 0.0 245 0201 78 25 39 0.0 0.0 234 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G090: Carefree Ranch Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:06 PointID 21001 21002 21016 21006 21004 21005 21011 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 Last Rpt 79.2 21 36.1427 4.76266 3.60287 78 0 StatType last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg wsqm 10/12/24 0101 79 21 36 4.8 3.6 78 0 0001 79 21 36 3.8 3.1 54 0 10/11/24 2301 80 21 37 5.0 3.9 54 0 2201 83 20 38 3.5 2.4 66 0 2101 83 20 38 3.6 2.5 53 0 2001 84 20 38 4.3 2.6 35 0 1901 85 20 39 3.4 2.7 31 0 1801 88 18 39 3.5 1.5 284 4 1701 93 15 39 5.5 4.1 240 128 1601 94 15 40 8.3 5.4 267 321 1501 95 14 39 5.0 3.5 273 515 1401 94 15 40 5.9 3.1 251 592 1301 94 14 38 4.7 2.7 269 741 1201 93 15 39 1.8 1.8 185 768 1101 93 16 40 2.5 1.2 240 714 1001 90 16 38 3.1 1.0 103 604 0901 88 17 38 2.0 0.3 215 432 0801 81 30 46 1.3 1.3 18 238 0701 74 30 40 4.4 3.8 78 63 0601 73 30 39 5.6 4.5 79 0 0501 75 27 39 3.5 2.0 94 0 0401 75 26 38 6.5 4.4 83 0 0301 75 27 39 6.0 4.1 56 0 0201 76 25 38 5.8 4.7 90 0 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G091: City of Glendale Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:07 PointID 6501 6502 6516 6506 6504 6505 6503 6511 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 0030 Last Rpt 70.1921 22.0462 37.256 0 0 77 1016 0 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb wsqm 10/12/24 0101 79 22 37 0.0 0.0 77 1016 0 0001 81 19 35 2.2 1.0 14 1016 0 10/11/24 2301 84 19 38 0.0 0.0 313 1016 0 2201 86 21 42 0.0 0.0 198 1016 0 2101 85 22 43 2.0 0.7 44 1016 0 2001 91 16 39 0.0 0.0 194 1015 0 1901 95 14 38 2.5 0.8 266 1015 0 1801 98 11 35 2.6 1.4 217 1015 0 1701 101 8 31 3.2 3.2 318 1015 23 1601 101 9 31 5.0 2.7 299 1016 312 1501 102 10 37 4.8 2.3 227 1016 593 1401 101 11 37 3.6 2.2 4 1016 555 1301 99 12 37 6.7 2.4 182 1017 637 1201 95 14 39 5.8 3.3 175 1018 653 1101 93 15 39 2.6 2.6 89 1019 626 1001 89 16 38 4.4 3.1 130 1019 570 0901 86 17 36 2.1 0.6 347 1019 0 0801 81 24 40 0.4 0.0 72 1019 70 0701 74 31 40 0.0 0.0 329 1018 0 0601 74 29 40 0.0 0.0 333 1017 0 0501 74 29 40 1.5 0.5 3 1016 0 0401 75 29 40 0.0 0.0 61 1016 0 0301 76 28 41 0.0 0.0 31 1016 0 0201 78 26 41 0.0 0.0 137 1016 0 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G092: Crossroads Park Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:08 PointID 33001 33002 33016 33006 33004 33005 33003 33011 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 0030 Last Rpt 79.6 36 49.7299 3 0 3 1015.7 0 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb wsqm 10/12/24 0101 80 36 50 3.0 0.0 3 1016 0 0001 81 30 47 0.0 0.0 132 1016 0 10/11/24 2301 85 27 47 3.0 0.0 220 1016 0 2201 86 29 50 1.0 0.0 79 1016 0 2101 93 19 44 3.0 0.0 356 1016 0 2001 91 20 44 0.0 0.0 217 1015 0 1901 97 16 43 6.0 4.0 258 1015 0 1801 100 14 43 7.0 5.0 265 1015 50 1701 102 13 42 8.0 4.0 246 1015 132 1601 104 13 43 6.0 3.0 299 1016 328 1501 104 13 43 7.0 2.0 342 1016 498 1401 102 15 46 8.0 1.0 2 1017 627 1301 100 16 46 6.0 3.0 185 1018 710 1201 97 16 44 3.0 0.0 143 1019 711 1101 95 18 45 3.0 0.0 354 1019 675 1001 92 21 46 4.0 1.0 79 1020 554 0901 86 21 42 5.0 3.0 131 1019 388 0801 81 29 46 4.0 1.0 96 1018 189 0701 76 29 41 4.0 1.0 71 1017 41 0601 72 48 51 0.0 0.0 81 1016 0 0501 76 28 41 4.0 1.0 127 1016 0 0401 74 37 46 3.0 0.0 76 1016 0 0301 79 27 42 6.0 2.0 98 1015 0 0201 76 45 52 0.0 0.0 104 1015 0 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G093: Desert Mtn. School Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:09 PointID 18701 18702 18716 18706 18704 4882 18703 18705 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 no data 10/12 10/12 Value of 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 filed 0100 0100 Last Rpt 72.4576 25.2534 35.0242 1.25681 0.472486 1013.9 208 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind baropr-m wdir Units degF rh% degF mph mph mb deg 10/12/24 0101 72 25 35 1.3 0.5 _____ 1014 208 0001 76 22 35 1.3 0.1 _____ 1015 290 10/11/24 2301 75 23 35 2.1 2.0 _____ 1014 318 2201 75 24 36 0.0 0.0 _____ 1014 62 2101 80 21 36 0.4 0.1 _____ 1015 285 2001 84 19 37 2.3 1.4 _____ 1015 330 1901 87 18 38 0.0 0.0 _____ 1016 5 1801 95 16 41 4.2 2.9 _____ 1022 253 1701 98 15 43 3.9 2.8 _____ 1020 262 1601 99 15 43 3.4 3.4 _____ 1021 238 1501 99 14 42 6.6 4.5 _____ 1021 90 1401 99 15 43 7.7 4.4 _____ 1022 232 1301 98 15 42 0.0 0.0 _____ 1022 354 1201 97 15 42 3.0 2.4 _____ 1022 145 1101 94 15 41 2.4 1.8 _____ 1022 73 1001 92 16 40 0.0 0.0 _____ 1022 163 0901 86 18 38 0.0 0.0 _____ 1021 323 0801 77 22 36 0.0 0.0 _____ 1019 18 0701 67 29 33 2.1 1.8 _____ 1015 22 0601 67 28 32 1.5 0.3 _____ 1014 252 0501 71 25 33 1.4 0.7 _____ 1013 237 0401 68 28 34 0.0 0.0 _____ 1014 358 0301 71 26 34 2.3 0.8 _____ 1013 291 0201 74 24 35 1.7 1.0 _____ 1014 22 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G094: Durango Complex Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:09 PointID 3301 3302 3316 3306 3304 3305 3303 3311 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 0030 Last Rpt 81.7407 22.5243 41.8069 0.066141 0.002205 255 1015.33 0 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb wsqm 10/12/24 0101 82 25 42 0.1 0.0 255 1015 0 0001 82 27 45 0.0 0.0 123 1015 0 10/11/24 2301 85 23 43 0.0 0.0 98 1015 0 2201 87 22 43 0.1 0.0 293 1015 0 2101 89 19 41 0.1 0.0 269 1015 0 2001 91 16 40 0.1 0.0 96 1015 0 1901 96 13 37 2.4 0.4 189 1014 0 1801 99 9 30 3.8 1.1 271 1014 1 1701 102 7 27 6.9 3.6 226 1014 63 1601 102 9 33 7.5 3.3 181 1015 336 1501 102 10 36 6.3 2.4 292 1015 526 1401 100 10 36 3.6 0.5 273 1016 666 1301 98 12 38 6.0 2.4 176 1016 753 1201 97 14 40 7.4 4.2 65 1017 764 1101 93 16 40 8.0 4.8 53 1018 718 1001 91 17 40 8.8 5.8 75 1018 608 0901 86 20 40 7.0 4.7 71 1018 435 0801 81 26 43 4.0 0.8 70 1018 214 0701 74 36 45 0.1 0.0 270 1017 30 0601 75 36 46 0.0 0.0 190 1016 0 0501 76 35 46 0.0 0.0 298 1016 0 0401 78 31 44 1.8 0.1 57 1015 0 0301 78 30 44 0.1 0.0 99 1015 0 0201 81 28 44 0.1 0.0 265 1015 0 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G095: EMF @ Arizona Ave. Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:10 PointID 35201 35202 35216 35206 35204 35205 35211 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 Last Rpt 74 25.5 36.4957 6.4 4.9 125 2 StatType last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg wsqm 10/12/24 0101 74 26 36 6.4 4.9 125 2 0001 77 24 37 3.5 0.4 165 2 10/11/24 2301 79 23 38 3.2 1.0 105 0 2201 80 19 35 4.6 2.5 175 0 2101 85 15 33 3.1 0.0 96 0 2001 89 13 32 1.0 0.0 258 0 1901 91 12 33 2.8 0.7 259 0 1801 97 10 33 4.1 2.9 295 0 1701 102 8 31 8.3 5.4 350 123 1601 103 8 31 9.6 5.6 243 301 1501 102 9 33 8.8 5.4 273 459 1401 102 10 35 7.5 1.6 228 597 1301 100 10 35 6.6 2.9 233 675 1201 97 12 36 7.6 3.2 139 680 1101 94 17 42 6.6 2.8 114 634 1001 90 19 43 6.6 2.2 101 527 0901 86 20 41 7.2 4.5 130 379 0801 77 24 37 3.1 0.3 109 204 0701 70 29 36 0.1 0.0 318 2 0601 70 29 36 4.7 2.4 69 2 0501 71 28 36 4.1 2.5 153 2 0401 74 23 34 4.7 2.7 141 2 0301 73 26 36 4.1 2.4 18 2 0201 74 24 34 7.2 4.6 128 2 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G096: Estrella Fan Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:11 PointID 84201 84202 84216 84206 84204 84205 84203 84211 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 0030 Last Rpt 81.9402 35.1329 36.1356 2.29313 0.271462 74 1016.58 5 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb wsqm 10/12/24 0101 82 19 36 2.3 0.3 74 1017 5 0001 84 18 37 2.2 0.4 76 1017 5 10/11/24 2301 87 17 38 2.3 0.2 76 1017 5 2201 90 15 36 2.4 0.1 77 1017 5 2101 92 14 36 5.4 0.5 152 1016 6 2001 96 13 37 6.2 3.4 88 1016 6 1901 98 12 37 6.7 1.9 15 1016 6 1801 99 12 38 6.6 3.1 61 1015 12 1701 102 11 38 8.0 3.5 11 1015 139 1601 103 11 40 9.3 4.3 0 1016 360 1501 102 12 40 9.8 4.4 358 1016 572 1401 102 11 39 6.7 2.7 337 1016 698 1301 100 12 39 5.1 2.3 7 1017 787 1201 98 13 39 6.0 3.2 239 1018 831 1101 96 13 38 5.6 2.7 276 1019 754 1001 92 13 35 5.1 2.5 263 1019 633 0901 87 15 34 4.1 2.2 251 1019 473 0801 83 16 34 2.7 0.3 267 1018 254 0701 77 18 31 2.5 0.3 68 1018 32 0601 77 18 31 3.0 0.8 65 1017 5 0501 82 16 32 2.5 0.3 196 1016 5 0401 80 17 31 2.4 0.9 69 1016 5 0301 81 16 32 2.3 0.1 121 1016 5 0201 88 14 33 3.3 0.3 186 1016 5 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G097: Falcon Field Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:12 PointID 34001 34002 34016 34006 34004 34005 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 Last Rpt 82.1046 22.385 39.9078 1.03632 0.478786 20 StatType last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg 10/12/24 0101 82 22 40 1.0 0.5 20 0001 81 25 42 2.1 0.6 34 10/11/24 2301 85 21 41 3.6 2.3 59 2201 85 21 41 2.4 0.7 14 2101 89 19 41 1.9 0.5 8 2001 92 17 41 5.2 2.7 0 1901 93 17 42 2.4 1.1 314 1801 95 17 43 4.1 2.6 289 1701 99 15 43 6.4 3.7 272 1601 100 14 43 6.3 3.8 243 1501 100 14 42 4.4 2.1 303 1401 100 14 43 6.3 1.9 218 1301 98 15 42 6.0 3.2 178 1201 97 15 42 3.1 3.1 209 1101 93 16 41 4.0 1.4 208 1001 90 17 40 2.9 1.1 268 0901 85 19 39 4.4 3.5 19 0801 81 21 37 6.7 4.5 1 0701 78 23 37 4.7 3.1 30 0601 76 27 39 3.3 2.3 50 0501 76 26 39 2.9 0.7 134 0401 78 23 37 4.0 3.0 180 0301 80 22 37 2.7 2.7 59 0201 83 20 38 4.5 2.8 46 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G098: Fountain Hills Fire Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:12 PointID 76701 76702 76716 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0100 0100 0100 Last Rpt 76.0796 23 35.7751 StatType last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt Units degF rh% degF 10/12/24 0101 76 23 36 0001 76 23 36 10/11/24 2301 77 24 38 2201 80 22 38 2101 84 19 37 2001 85 19 38 1901 92 14 36 1801 94 12 35 1701 98 11 36 1601 99 10 33 1501 99 10 34 1401 99 11 36 1301 98 10 33 1201 96 11 34 1101 92 13 35 1001 88 17 38 0901 86 16 35 0801 80 20 36 0701 75 21 33 0601 75 21 33 0501 76 20 33 0401 79 19 34 0301 78 19 33 0201 73 26 36 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G099: G&F Woolsey Peak Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:12 PointID 23201 23202 23216 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 Last Rpt 83.4 11.9 26.7976 StatType last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt Units degF rh% degF 10/12/24 0101 83 12 27 0001 83 12 26 10/11/24 2301 84 12 26 2201 84 14 31 2101 84 14 32 2001 84 15 33 1901 86 13 30 1801 87 13 31 1701 89 11 29 1601 89 11 29 1501 90 10 28 1401 89 11 29 1301 87 12 29 1201 85 13 29 1101 82 16 32 1001 81 17 32 0901 77 21 34 0801 80 14 28 0701 78 15 29 0601 83 12 26 0501 83 12 27 0401 83 12 27 0301 83 11 25 0201 84 11 25 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G100: Gateway Comm. College THD Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:13 PointID 3001 3002 3016 3006 3004 3004 3003 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 Last Rpt 83.3 23 41.5008 2 1 1 1012 StatType last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind avewind baropr-m Units degF rh% degF mph mph mph mb 10/12/24 0101 83 23 42 2.0 1.0 1.0 1012 0001 86 20 40 2.0 1.0 1.0 1012 10/11/24 2301 86 22 43 2.0 1.0 1.0 1012 2201 88 20 42 3.0 2.0 2.0 1012 2101 90 18 41 2.0 1.0 1.0 1012 2001 92 16 40 2.0 1.0 1.0 1011 1901 97 13 38 6.0 3.0 3.0 1011 1801 99 11 36 10.0 5.0 5.0 1010 1701 102 12 40 6.0 3.0 3.0 1010 1601 103 11 39 8.0 4.0 4.0 1011 1501 103 11 38 7.0 3.0 3.0 1011 1401 102 12 40 7.0 3.0 3.0 1012 1301 100 13 40 9.0 3.0 3.0 1013 1201 98 14 41 6.0 2.0 2.0 1014 1101 95 16 42 9.0 2.0 2.0 1014 1001 91 18 42 5.0 2.0 2.0 1015 0901 85 22 42 4.0 2.0 2.0 1015 0801 80 23 39 3.0 1.0 1.0 1014 0701 78 23 37 5.0 2.0 2.0 1014 0601 79 23 38 7.0 2.0 2.0 1013 0501 80 22 38 5.0 2.0 2.0 1012 0401 79 26 41 3.0 1.0 1.0 1012 0301 81 22 39 6.0 2.0 2.0 1012 0201 84 20 39 4.0 2.0 2.0 1011 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G101: Gila Bend Landfill Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:14 PointID 42501 42502 42516 42506 42504 42505 42511 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 Last Rpt 78.4503 19.4125 36.2644 3.4838 1.57016 12 0 StatType last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg wsqm 10/12/24 0101 77 22 36 3.5 1.6 12 0 0001 84 19 38 5.2 3.7 134 0 10/11/24 2301 83 19 38 4.9 3.6 172 0 2201 86 18 38 5.3 4.0 163 0 2101 87 19 40 4.8 3.7 138 0 2001 91 18 42 4.0 3.1 258 0 1901 96 18 45 3.3 0.8 297 0 1801 99 15 43 4.7 3.4 290 0 1701 104 13 43 9.8 7.3 270 134 1601 105 14 46 9.5 6.2 278 345 1501 104 17 50 8.2 4.2 312 527 1401 102 17 49 8.3 4.8 30 668 1301 100 21 52 6.4 1.7 183 752 1201 97 27 56 9.7 4.8 294 772 1101 94 27 55 6.8 3.0 289 733 1001 90 29 53 0.2 0.0 29 625 0901 81 25 41 5.2 4.1 38 353 0801 75 30 42 6.1 2.5 37 243 0701 71 30 37 13.3 0.9 286 35 0601 73 26 37 4.7 3.6 94 0 0501 73 22 32 4.4 3.1 133 0 0401 77 21 35 3.6 2.2 157 0 0301 76 18 30 3.9 2.2 217 0 0201 77 17 30 3.9 2.6 149 0 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G102: Gila Bend Mountains Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:15 PointID 41501 41502 41516 41506 41504 41505 41503 41511 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 0030 Last Rpt 92.4008 7.67886 34.5748 9.10548 5.1541 267 1017.16 0 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb wsqm 10/12/24 0101 92 13 35 9.1 5.2 267 1017 0 0001 91 14 35 9.7 5.5 255 1017 0 10/11/24 2301 94 13 35 10.3 4.7 264 1017 0 2201 93 13 35 7.8 5.6 220 1017 0 2101 92 16 40 7.4 5.2 204 1017 0 2001 92 17 41 0.9 0.0 139 1017 0 1901 94 17 42 1.5 0.1 120 1017 0 1801 97 15 42 2.4 0.2 98 1017 0 1701 101 12 39 6.7 2.0 119 1018 77 1601 101 12 39 9.8 4.1 241 1019 271 1501 103 13 42 6.6 1.2 141 1019 482 1401 100 14 42 5.5 2.4 323 1019 640 1301 101 14 43 5.0 1.0 120 1020 733 1201 99 15 43 4.3 1.2 195 1021 760 1101 95 16 41 6.0 2.1 77 1021 720 1001 89 22 45 5.0 2.2 358 1021 614 0901 88 28 50 3.6 1.4 135 1020 450 0801 84 40 56 0.8 0.0 87 1019 251 0701 81 53 61 6.7 4.5 175 1017 44 0601 82 39 54 2.1 0.2 94 1017 0 0501 91 14 36 9.4 4.4 221 1016 0 0401 86 16 35 6.0 3.1 164 1016 0 0301 84 16 34 5.0 3.8 151 1017 0 0201 92 14 36 6.2 3.8 210 1017 0 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G103: Horseshoe Lake Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:16 PointID 82501 82502 82516 82506 82504 82505 82503 82511 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 0030 Last Rpt 75.3639 26.523 38.5283 3.6161 2.02494 352 1011.85 0 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb wsqm 10/12/24 0101 75 27 39 3.6 2.0 352 1018 0 0001 75 43 51 0.0 0.0 336 1018 1 10/11/24 2301 80 23 39 3.7 2.8 357 1018 0 2201 81 27 44 0.0 0.0 48 1018 1 2101 83 26 45 0.4 0.0 326 1018 0 2001 89 18 40 3.0 2.3 200 1017 0 1901 91 17 40 0.0 0.0 292 1017 0 1801 96 15 41 5.4 2.4 241 1018 2 1701 100 14 41 3.9 3.9 242 1018 120 1601 103 13 43 7.3 4.3 193 1019 338 1501 103 13 42 8.3 6.0 172 1019 533 1401 102 14 43 9.5 5.9 200 1019 698 1301 101 14 43 3.2 2.0 38 1020 807 1201 95 20 47 3.9 2.9 25 1021 832 1101 94 16 41 4.2 2.7 13 1022 772 1001 89 17 39 2.5 2.1 20 1022 673 0901 83 21 39 3.7 1.5 4 1022 504 0801 75 25 37 3.5 2.8 179 1021 291 0701 72 27 36 0.1 0.0 210 1019 53 0601 73 28 38 3.0 2.3 241 1018 0 0501 74 29 39 0.0 0.0 17 1017 1 0401 71 39 44 2.4 0.9 141 1017 0 0301 73 31 40 2.2 1.0 250 1017 0 0201 75 26 38 4.1 2.4 358 1017 1 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G104: Horsethief Basin Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:17 PointID 16001 16002 16016 16006 16004 16005 16003 16011 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 Last Rpt 72.2901 32.4354 31.2079 10.4734 4.80344 259 1027.85 0 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb wsqm 10/12/24 0101 72 21 31 10.5 4.8 259 1028 0 0001 72 22 31 7.5 5.2 274 1028 0 10/11/24 2301 72 21 31 6.6 4.6 274 1028 0 2201 73 21 31 6.9 5.0 307 1028 0 2101 72 21 31 9.4 6.4 246 1028 0 2001 73 21 32 10.0 7.0 260 1028 0 1901 74 21 32 9.2 6.3 229 1027 0 1801 75 21 33 8.9 6.2 207 1026 3 1701 80 19 34 11.4 5.8 240 1025 189 1601 82 18 34 9.6 5.6 192 1025 407 1501 81 18 34 11.0 6.0 250 1026 593 1401 84 17 35 11.0 4.6 258 1026 739 1301 84 16 35 8.5 2.1 256 1026 823 1201 86 16 35 5.0 0.9 245 1027 834 1101 86 16 34 4.3 0.3 121 1027 775 1001 82 16 33 4.4 0.4 161 1027 655 0901 79 17 31 0.6 0.0 278 1028 482 0801 78 17 31 4.1 1.9 319 1028 275 0701 71 20 29 3.7 2.7 3 1028 32 0601 71 20 29 5.3 3.7 337 1028 0 0501 71 20 29 3.2 0.1 13 1028 0 0401 71 20 29 2.9 0.4 7 1027 0 0301 71 20 28 1.7 0.1 12 1028 0 0201 73 20 30 0.0 0.0 43 1028 0 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G105: Humboldt Mountain THD Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:17 PointID 1201 1202 1216 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0100 0100 0100 Last Rpt 77.6194 25.4412 30.8023 StatType last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt Units degF rh% degF 10/12/24 0101 78 17 31 0001 78 17 31 10/11/24 2301 78 17 31 2201 78 17 31 2101 79 17 31 2001 79 18 33 1901 80 19 34 1801 81 17 33 1701 85 15 33 1601 87 14 33 1501 84 14 31 1401 88 14 34 1301 88 15 35 1201 84 16 34 1101 84 16 34 1001 82 17 33 0901 80 17 32 0801 80 17 32 0701 77 18 31 0601 77 18 31 0501 76 18 31 0401 78 18 31 0301 79 17 31 0201 79 17 32 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G106: Jefferson Park Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:18 PointID 34901 34902 34916 34906 34904 34905 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 Last Rpt 79.3 22 43.9381 0.2 0.1 43 StatType last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg 10/12/24 0101 79 29 44 0.2 0.1 43 0001 79 32 46 0.2 0.1 62 10/11/24 2301 81 28 45 0.2 0.1 6 2201 84 26 45 0.2 0.1 45 2101 86 24 45 0.2 0.1 37 2001 90 20 43 0.2 0.1 40 1901 94 18 44 0.2 0.0 332 1801 98 16 44 4.6 1.0 320 1701 101 14 43 7.3 2.1 271 1601 102 15 45 6.7 0.9 292 1501 102 16 47 5.2 0.3 255 1401 100 16 46 6.5 2.2 202 1301 101 15 45 7.8 1.1 304 1201 98 18 47 4.4 0.5 146 1101 94 17 43 3.9 0.1 181 1001 91 23 47 3.5 0.1 240 0901 86 24 44 3.4 0.2 257 0801 82 30 47 0.6 0.1 217 0701 74 32 42 0.2 0.1 27 0601 74 30 41 0.2 0.1 57 0501 75 29 41 0.5 0.1 47 0401 79 26 41 4.1 0.3 248 0301 83 21 39 1.6 0.1 65 0201 83 21 39 5.4 2.1 67 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G107: Jomax @ 70th St. Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:19 PointID 60801 60802 60816 60806 60804 60805 60803 60811 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 0030 Last Rpt 77.9069 21.1635 37.3889 2.86642 2.86642 2 1016.82 0 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb wsqm 10/12/24 0101 78 23 37 2.9 2.9 2 1017 0 0001 78 23 38 3.2 1.8 35 1017 0 10/11/24 2301 79 23 38 2.5 1.7 2 1017 0 2201 79 24 39 1.6 0.3 9 1017 0 2101 81 24 40 2.4 1.1 33 1017 0 2001 84 22 41 2.2 0.6 9 1017 0 1901 88 20 43 1.4 0.4 349 1016 0 1801 93 18 44 0.0 0.0 252 1016 0 1701 99 17 46 0.1 0.0 204 1016 114 1601 100 16 45 3.0 2.2 223 1016 309 1501 100 16 46 2.0 1.1 214 1016 490 1401 100 16 46 2.5 1.7 237 1017 639 1301 98 17 45 8.1 3.6 155 1018 714 1201 98 17 45 4.3 1.9 228 1019 734 1101 94 18 44 5.9 1.9 189 1019 698 1001 92 18 42 2.9 1.5 24 1019 580 0901 91 18 42 4.1 1.9 90 1019 425 0801 84 23 42 1.9 0.3 52 1019 235 0701 74 27 38 3.7 2.4 354 1018 50 0601 74 27 37 3.9 2.7 0 1017 0 0501 77 24 38 2.8 1.2 3 1017 0 0401 78 23 38 2.6 1.6 359 1017 0 0301 77 25 39 3.7 3.0 8 1016 0 0201 79 24 39 2.3 1.8 60 1016 0 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G108: Kleinman Park Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:20 PointID 30801 30802 30816 30806 30804 30805 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 Last Rpt 85.4 25 39.9941 3.52473 1.15294 37 StatType last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg 10/12/24 0101 81 23 40 3.5 1.2 37 0001 79 28 43 0.0 0.0 186 10/11/24 2301 81 25 42 0.0 0.0 120 2201 85 22 42 0.0 0.0 0 2101 86 21 41 0.0 0.0 5 2001 89 18 40 0.1 0.0 348 1901 91 17 40 0.0 0.0 10 1801 99 13 40 4.0 0.7 280 1701 102 12 40 5.7 1.2 280 1601 102 12 40 4.4 1.1 350 1501 101 12 39 4.9 1.5 154 1401 100 14 42 5.6 2.1 214 1301 97 15 42 7.8 2.5 146 1201 95 15 40 6.8 2.6 52 1101 93 17 42 6.2 2.7 114 1001 89 19 41 8.7 4.2 118 0901 87 19 40 3.9 1.4 115 0801 81 22 39 3.6 1.5 53 0701 76 26 39 3.4 1.0 59 0601 76 25 38 2.8 0.6 55 0501 78 24 38 2.6 1.2 31 0401 77 25 38 3.1 0.1 126 0301 77 26 39 0.0 0.0 245 0201 79 28 43 4.5 2.0 54 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G109: Lake Pleasant Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:21 PointID 15001 15002 15016 15006 15004 15005 15003 15021 15000 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 0030 0000 Last Rpt 84.6856 22.013 48.4694 10 8 253 1018.07 1.94717 0 StatType last last last last last last last last periodra DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m evap Precip. Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb in in. 10/12/24 0101 83 31 48 10.0 8.0 253 1018 1.95 0.00 0001 84 24 43 11.0 8.0 14 1018 1.96 0.00 10/11/24 2301 83 38 55 9.0 8.0 22 1018 1.97 0.00 2201 86 19 39 9.0 6.0 343 1018 1.98 0.00 2101 87 25 47 7.0 5.0 6 1018 1.98 0.00 2001 93 10 30 8.0 6.0 294 1017 1.99 0.00 1901 96 9 29 7.0 5.0 237 1017 2.00 0.00 1801 99 9 32 9.0 6.0 246 1017 2.03 0.00 1701 101 9 33 9.0 5.0 213 1017 2.04 0.00 1601 102 9 33 11.0 7.0 216 1017 2.06 0.00 1501 101 9 32 11.0 7.0 124 1018 2.08 0.00 1401 101 9 32 10.0 3.0 201 1018 2.12 0.00 1301 101 9 32 8.0 4.0 137 1019 2.14 0.00 1201 98 9 31 8.0 4.0 191 1020 2.18 0.00 1101 95 9 29 6.0 2.0 88 1021 2.20 0.00 1001 90 13 34 6.0 4.0 326 1021 2.22 0.00 0901 85 22 42 7.0 5.0 351 1021 2.23 0.00 0801 81 28 44 7.0 6.0 352 1021 2.24 0.00 0701 80 27 43 18.0 9.0 13 1020 2.25 0.00 0601 79 28 43 8.0 6.0 12 1019 2.26 0.00 0501 80 28 44 8.0 6.0 334 1019 2.26 0.00 0401 80 25 41 7.0 5.0 4 1018 2.27 0.00 0301 82 24 41 12.0 9.0 339 1018 2.28 0.00 0201 83 26 44 9.0 7.0 0 1018 2.29 0.00 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G110: Lake Pleasant North Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:21 PointID 15301 15302 15316 15306 15304 15305 15303 15311 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 0030 Last Rpt 82.156 17.5599 42.1756 6.94555 6.03208 33 1019.36 0.254048 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb wsqm 10/12/24 0101 82 25 42 6.9 6.0 33 1019 0 0001 85 18 37 5.4 4.3 35 1019 0 10/11/24 2301 83 18 36 5.4 3.6 23 1019 0 2201 85 26 46 0.0 0.0 39 1019 0 2101 88 14 33 3.3 2.3 1 1020 0 2001 92 13 34 0.1 0.0 300 1020 1 1901 93 13 36 2.1 1.0 150 1020 0 1801 95 17 42 7.9 5.1 237 1020 1 1701 99 8 28 5.7 3.4 194 1021 153 1601 99 9 31 7.8 5.2 234 1022 346 1501 99 10 34 6.2 4.7 200 1022 525 1401 99 9 32 6.0 3.7 225 1022 655 1301 97 11 34 7.3 4.9 205 1023 740 1201 95 10 31 4.2 3.1 222 1024 761 1101 91 20 45 4.4 3.2 217 1025 714 1001 91 12 32 0.7 0.7 37 1025 613 0901 87 16 35 10.3 7.4 8 1023 453 0801 84 16 33 7.7 6.7 29 1023 262 0701 80 20 35 10.3 6.7 42 1021 63 0601 80 23 39 3.8 2.1 334 1020 0 0501 82 17 34 10.2 8.4 9 1019 0 0401 83 18 36 7.8 6.9 13 1019 0 0301 84 18 37 8.6 8.6 48 1019 0 0201 84 26 45 5.6 4.1 52 1019 0 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G111: Magma FRS Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:22 PointID 42301 42302 42316 42306 42304 42305 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 Last Rpt 73.8639 18.2131 33.7011 3.90274 3.90274 128 StatType last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg 10/12/24 0101 71 25 34 3.9 3.9 128 0001 74 25 36 3.1 3.1 94 10/11/24 2301 72 28 37 1.8 1.8 39 2201 79 23 39 3.1 2.0 253 2101 81 21 37 4.5 3.8 14 2001 82 19 36 5.7 5.3 345 1901 85 19 39 4.1 3.6 359 1801 90 17 40 6.3 5.6 328 1701 93 18 43 9.8 6.8 325 1601 97 14 41 7.3 4.4 267 1501 97 13 39 6.5 4.4 294 1401 98 15 42 5.9 4.0 265 1301 95 14 40 6.7 5.6 242 1201 95 14 38 7.9 3.9 147 1101 93 14 37 9.0 4.6 120 1001 88 18 40 7.8 6.2 146 0901 84 17 35 9.5 8.5 132 0801 81 19 35 10.9 9.0 134 0701 73 26 36 5.8 5.1 131 0601 72 26 35 4.3 3.9 136 0501 74 25 35 5.2 4.3 114 0401 76 23 36 4.0 4.0 94 0301 75 23 35 4.1 3.5 69 0201 73 24 34 6.9 6.4 52 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G112: McMicken Dam Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:23 PointID 71701 71702 71716 71706 71704 71705 71703 71711 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 0030 Last Rpt 80.8677 15.217 30.2689 8.44491 6.86127 227 1013.22 0 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb wsqm 10/12/24 0101 81 15 30 8.4 6.9 227 1013 0 0001 81 16 31 9.4 4.9 189 1013 0 10/11/24 2301 83 14 30 9.8 8.1 225 1013 0 2201 86 13 30 9.8 7.8 224 1013 0 2101 88 12 30 11.3 9.6 257 1013 0 2001 91 12 31 8.6 6.8 233 1012 0 1901 94 14 38 4.3 3.4 223 1012 0 1801 99 12 39 6.3 4.3 111 1012 1 1701 103 8 30 3.9 2.4 109 1012 131 1601 104 7 29 7.0 2.7 172 1012 351 1501 103 9 33 7.9 3.3 359 1012 562 1401 101 11 38 7.2 3.1 40 1013 700 1301 99 12 38 8.8 4.4 125 1014 783 1201 97 13 38 9.7 5.5 62 1015 788 1101 94 13 37 9.0 5.2 54 1016 732 1001 91 13 35 7.6 5.6 75 1016 608 0901 87 15 35 4.0 2.1 102 1016 413 0801 79 16 30 4.1 2.2 263 1015 186 0701 72 20 29 5.6 4.6 237 1015 32 0601 71 20 28 4.9 3.0 215 1014 0 0501 75 17 29 7.2 5.6 258 1013 0 0401 77 17 29 5.0 3.8 237 1013 0 0301 79 16 29 6.5 4.7 237 1013 0 0201 81 14 29 5.8 4.1 259 1013 0 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G113: Mobile Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:24 PointID 84701 84702 84716 84706 84704 84705 84703 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 Last Rpt 75.9047 12.0075 36.7719 3.90274 2.90839 168 1020.01 StatType last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb 10/12/24 0101 75 25 37 3.9 2.9 168 1020 0001 79 23 38 4.5 2.8 182 1020 10/11/24 2301 84 20 38 5.4 4.0 248 1020 2201 80 21 37 3.6 2.0 11 1020 2101 86 20 40 5.0 3.5 244 1020 2001 87 16 36 2.4 0.7 237 1019 1901 91 15 37 3.0 2.3 269 1019 1801 98 13 39 7.3 4.9 305 1018 1701 103 11 39 8.1 5.7 332 1018 1601 103 11 40 10.2 5.9 317 1018 1501 104 12 41 9.0 4.5 316 1019 1401 102 12 41 7.5 2.2 3 1019 1301 99 13 41 4.3 2.0 127 1020 1201 98 14 41 6.2 2.7 165 1021 1101 95 15 40 5.2 2.8 55 1022 1001 91 19 43 5.2 3.1 56 1022 0901 87 21 42 5.2 3.4 33 1022 0801 82 25 43 3.4 2.0 205 1022 0701 71 28 36 4.2 3.1 178 1021 0601 70 27 35 3.6 2.1 53 1020 0501 75 22 34 3.6 2.1 183 1020 0401 78 20 34 5.5 4.4 233 1019 0301 74 21 32 3.3 2.3 159 1020 0201 76 20 33 3.4 2.7 143 1019 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G114: Mt. Union THD Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:24 PointID 1001 1002 1016 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0100 0100 0100 Last Rpt 62.8 28.5 29.04 StatType last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt Units degF rh% degF 10/12/24 0101 62 28 29 0001 62 28 28 10/11/24 2301 62 27 28 2201 62 28 28 2101 63 27 29 2001 63 27 29 1901 64 26 29 1801 66 25 29 1701 71 22 30 1601 72 21 31 1501 74 20 32 1401 74 21 32 1301 74 21 33 1201 73 22 32 1101 70 23 31 1001 71 22 31 0901 70 22 29 0801 70 22 30 0701 64 24 27 0601 63 25 27 0501 63 25 27 0401 63 25 27 0301 63 25 27 0201 63 25 27 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G115: Osborn @ 64th St. Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:25 PointID 56001 56002 56016 56006 56004 56005 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 Last Rpt 78.7803 51.4353 56.4711 0 0 275 StatType last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg 10/12/24 0101 76 52 56 0.0 0.0 275 0001 79 41 53 0.0 0.0 309 10/11/24 2301 81 36 52 0.1 0.0 1 2201 83 29 47 0.0 0.0 76 2101 87 27 48 0.0 0.0 281 2001 89 25 47 0.1 0.0 264 1901 92 21 46 0.0 0.0 246 1801 97 16 43 3.3 1.2 281 1701 102 12 40 4.4 2.1 335 1601 103 12 41 4.1 1.0 212 1501 103 11 39 4.1 1.7 266 1401 101 12 39 6.2 2.4 250 1301 99 15 43 7.1 2.3 136 1201 97 17 45 6.0 2.8 141 1101 94 17 42 7.2 4.0 98 1001 91 17 41 12.3 4.5 183 0901 86 21 42 4.1 1.5 152 0801 81 28 44 0.0 0.0 91 0701 75 33 43 0.0 0.0 100 0601 72 36 44 4.1 0.6 115 0501 73 39 46 0.1 0.0 17 0401 74 42 49 0.0 0.0 324 0301 76 31 43 0.0 0.0 110 0201 79 31 45 0.0 0.0 0 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G116: Phoenix Dam 2B Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:26 PointID 9901 9902 9916 9906 9904 9905 9903 9911 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 0030 Last Rpt 79.489 23.9017 39.3866 1.41116 1.31981 141 1018.79 0 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb wsqm 10/12/24 0101 79 24 39 1.4 1.3 141 1019 0 0001 78 31 45 2.3 1.1 106 1019 0 10/11/24 2301 77 34 46 2.8 2.6 137 1019 0 2201 78 37 49 2.6 2.4 154 1019 0 2101 83 30 48 3.2 2.4 137 1019 0 2001 87 24 45 2.1 1.4 144 1018 0 1901 89 22 45 0.0 0.0 118 1017 0 1801 95 15 41 1.8 1.5 265 1016 5 1701 100 14 42 4.5 3.7 233 1017 136 1601 102 13 42 6.0 5.0 237 1018 306 1501 101 14 42 2.2 0.9 190 1018 464 1401 100 14 42 4.9 3.7 352 1019 590 1301 99 14 42 4.2 4.2 149 1019 662 1201 97 15 41 9.3 5.0 145 1021 667 1101 94 17 42 7.1 5.1 123 1021 621 1001 91 18 43 4.1 4.1 104 1022 517 0901 88 22 44 2.7 1.8 1 1022 375 0801 82 30 46 2.3 1.7 341 1022 206 0701 73 32 41 1.9 1.0 312 1021 52 0601 73 31 41 4.1 3.3 132 1020 0 0501 70 39 44 3.8 2.9 136 1020 0 0401 71 34 41 2.1 1.1 119 1019 0 0301 76 27 39 3.7 2.7 152 1019 0 0201 73 33 42 3.0 2.6 140 1019 0 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G117: Rackensack Canyon Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:26 PointID 76501 76502 76516 76506 76504 76505 76503 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 Last Rpt 79.4 15.2 31.8375 3.2 3 147 870.2 StatType last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb 10/12/24 0101 79 17 32 3.2 3.0 147 1021 0001 80 17 32 4.0 3.6 169 1021 10/11/24 2301 81 16 32 8.7 8.4 141 1021 2201 81 17 32 8.7 7.9 140 1021 2101 82 16 32 8.1 7.8 133 1021 2001 83 16 33 8.4 8.1 142 1021 1901 84 17 34 12.2 11.5 143 1021 1801 85 16 35 7.1 6.5 119 1021 1701 88 14 34 9.4 8.9 120 1020 1601 90 14 34 9.5 8.5 122 1021 1501 89 14 34 7.4 6.9 142 1021 1401 90 13 33 2.8 2.5 106 1021 1301 92 13 34 9.3 8.0 24 1022 1201 91 13 35 4.4 3.4 251 1023 1101 90 14 34 4.6 4.2 2 1023 1001 88 14 34 3.0 2.2 283 1023 0901 86 15 34 0.9 0.6 188 1023 0801 83 16 33 3.9 3.6 333 1022 0701 81 17 33 4.4 4.1 67 1022 0601 80 17 32 3.2 2.9 64 1021 0501 80 17 32 1.9 1.7 245 1021 0401 80 17 32 3.7 3.4 358 1021 0301 80 17 32 1.7 1.5 126 1021 0201 82 16 32 1.9 1.8 253 1021 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G118: Saguaro Lake Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:27 PointID 63501 63502 63516 63506 63504 63505 63503 63511 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 0030 Last Rpt 79.9818 19.4234 38.1278 2.86642 2.12853 262 1018.56 0 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb wsqm 10/12/24 0101 75 26 38 2.9 2.1 262 1019 0 0001 76 25 38 2.5 1.2 260 1019 0 10/11/24 2301 78 22 36 0.1 0.0 257 1019 0 2201 79 37 50 0.0 0.0 165 1018 0 2101 81 19 36 3.0 2.0 254 1018 0 2001 85 25 45 1.5 0.6 246 1018 0 1901 91 31 55 2.5 1.2 185 1017 0 1801 97 12 37 2.8 1.8 252 1015 0 1701 102 10 37 8.4 5.5 249 1014 117 1601 103 10 37 9.9 6.1 240 1014 325 1501 103 10 37 8.6 5.2 236 1014 517 1401 104 12 41 9.9 3.1 254 1015 668 1301 97 15 41 3.2 1.9 150 1016 770 1201 99 17 46 0.0 0.0 140 1018 798 1101 96 14 40 1.3 0.3 94 1020 753 1001 92 16 40 0.0 0.0 136 1019 637 0901 89 18 40 0.0 0.0 216 1019 455 0801 83 41 56 0.0 0.0 106 1019 226 0701 74 36 45 0.0 0.0 9 1019 43 0601 72 36 43 1.2 1.2 269 1019 0 0501 74 38 47 2.6 1.0 45 1018 0 0401 76 29 40 2.7 0.6 250 1017 0 0301 76 38 48 2.0 0.4 213 1017 0 0201 76 34 45 3.0 1.6 209 1017 0 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G119: South Mtn. Fan Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:28 PointID 70501 70502 70516 70506 70504 70505 70503 70511 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 0030 Last Rpt 93.036 14.2804 37.7403 4.81375 2.32248 348 1015.52 0 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb wsqm 10/12/24 0101 93 14 38 4.8 2.3 348 1016 0 0001 95 14 39 7.0 1.9 318 1016 0 10/11/24 2301 95 16 42 10.5 5.8 345 1016 0 2201 97 14 41 6.7 4.2 328 1016 0 2101 96 13 39 0.2 0.1 335 1015 0 2001 97 13 38 0.3 0.2 335 1015 0 1901 99 14 41 7.0 2.9 321 1015 0 1801 101 13 41 7.0 4.6 316 1015 0 1701 103 11 39 7.9 4.1 327 1015 109 1601 104 11 41 5.5 5.1 6 1015 267 1501 103 13 42 7.2 4.5 319 1016 405 1401 102 14 43 5.3 1.6 257 1016 508 1301 101 16 47 7.0 4.5 176 1017 568 1201 99 18 48 5.8 3.4 189 1018 582 1101 95 19 46 0.2 0.1 203 1018 540 1001 90 21 44 5.0 4.3 146 1019 453 0901 86 23 44 2.9 0.6 359 1018 326 0801 84 21 40 0.3 0.2 79 1018 175 0701 80 25 40 0.3 0.2 16 1017 13 0601 79 25 40 2.4 0.4 16 1016 0 0501 80 24 40 3.6 0.8 301 1016 0 0401 85 20 39 0.2 0.1 25 1015 0 0301 83 18 36 3.4 2.6 25 1015 0 0201 87 17 37 0.2 0.1 9 1015 0 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G120: South Mtn. Park Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:29 PointID 68501 68502 68516 68506 68504 68505 68503 68511 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 Last Rpt 86.8 15 33.4959 5.1 0.8 292 1015.8 0 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb wsqm 10/12/24 0101 88 14 33 5.1 0.8 292 1016 0 0001 88 14 34 3.1 2.5 314 1015 0 10/11/24 2301 88 16 37 9.9 4.4 280 1015 0 2201 91 15 37 13.3 6.9 298 1015 0 2101 92 14 36 12.6 5.1 271 1015 0 2001 92 13 35 10.5 5.0 277 1014 0 1901 92 15 38 8.8 4.4 239 1015 0 1801 93 13 36 2.4 1.5 264 1014 0 1701 96 13 38 6.9 1.1 323 1015 109 1601 97 14 40 7.8 3.2 250 1015 328 1501 97 15 42 6.4 1.8 327 1015 523 1401 95 16 42 6.5 1.1 72 1016 685 1301 95 15 40 3.7 0.1 304 1017 759 1201 91 18 42 0.0 1.0 40 1018 776 1101 88 19 41 6.0 2.2 69 1019 733 1001 86 19 39 5.9 1.5 105 1017 630 0901 85 19 38 6.0 1.6 119 1017 455 0801 84 19 38 7.0 2.2 71 1017 245 0701 78 22 36 2.9 0.3 85 1019 40 0601 82 18 35 3.1 1.1 127 1018 0 0501 82 18 35 2.9 0.2 79 1017 0 0401 86 14 32 4.5 1.4 231 1017 0 0301 86 15 33 5.0 2.5 115 1016 0 0201 88 14 34 4.6 1.9 281 1015 0 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G121: Sycamore Creek Upper Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:30 PointID 82201 82202 82216 82206 82204 82205 82203 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 Last Rpt 75.4 10 17.5285 10.3763 8.06305 334 1026.8 StatType last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb 10/12/24 0101 75 10 18 10.4 8.1 334 1027 0001 75 11 19 8.7 5.7 336 1027 10/11/24 2301 76 9 16 9.0 6.7 0 1027 2201 75 10 18 7.1 3.5 327 1027 2101 76 12 21 9.4 6.4 316 1027 2001 76 12 22 14.2 10.7 305 1027 1901 75 12 21 9.9 5.6 282 1027 1801 78 8 14 9.2 6.3 247 1026 1701 81 6 10 11.3 7.3 209 1026 1601 82 7 14 15.9 9.6 205 1026 1501 84 7 14 16.8 9.8 176 1027 1401 83 8 16 14.7 8.8 147 1027 1301 82 8 16 16.1 9.1 163 1027 1201 82 9 19 12.8 7.8 116 1028 1101 80 10 20 12.8 8.9 170 1028 1001 78 11 21 13.9 8.3 131 1028 0901 77 11 21 9.7 7.4 116 1028 0801 76 12 22 8.6 5.1 117 1028 0701 70 16 24 6.4 5.0 55 1027 0601 70 16 24 6.7 5.1 70 1027 0501 72 14 22 7.5 5.6 40 1027 0401 74 13 22 4.3 2.3 7 1026 0301 73 13 21 5.9 4.6 75 1027 0201 72 13 21 6.6 5.2 59 1026 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G122: Thompson Peak THD Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:30 PointID 1901 1902 1916 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 Last Rpt 85.006 16.5107 35.1244 StatType last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt Units degF rh% degF 10/12/24 0101 85 17 35 0001 85 17 35 10/11/24 2301 85 16 35 2201 86 17 36 2101 86 19 38 2001 86 17 36 1901 87 18 38 1801 88 18 39 1701 91 16 39 1601 93 16 40 1501 92 16 39 1401 93 16 40 1301 91 16 39 1201 92 16 40 1101 91 16 38 1001 87 17 37 0901 81 19 36 0801 78 21 35 0701 77 21 35 0601 78 21 35 0501 79 21 35 0401 79 21 36 0301 81 20 36 0201 82 19 36 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G123: Tiger Wash Fan Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:31 PointID 26801 26802 26816 26806 26804 26805 26803 26811 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 Last Rpt 76.8962 17.6103 28.9585 4.38782 3.69169 14 1015.1 0 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb wsqm 10/12/24 0101 75 18 29 4.4 3.7 14 1015 0 0001 77 17 30 1.7 1.4 333 1015 0 10/11/24 2301 81 16 30 3.1 2.4 3 1016 0 2201 82 15 30 4.1 3.1 8 1016 0 2101 84 14 31 2.9 1.8 18 1016 1 2001 90 12 31 3.4 2.9 314 1016 0 1901 89 12 31 4.4 1.8 262 1016 0 1801 95 11 33 0.0 0.0 134 1017 1 1701 99 10 33 4.3 3.1 249 1018 138 1601 101 9 33 4.6 3.2 226 1018 400 1501 102 9 34 3.6 2.8 331 1019 624 1401 100 10 34 3.0 2.3 300 1019 805 1301 98 10 33 4.7 4.7 142 1020 913 1201 96 10 33 6.9 4.4 140 1021 897 1101 93 11 32 9.1 4.2 144 1021 876 1001 90 12 32 7.1 4.3 124 1021 728 0901 87 13 32 2.8 2.8 109 1020 512 0801 82 15 30 4.5 3.1 328 1018 258 0701 76 17 29 3.1 3.1 73 1016 34 0601 74 18 29 4.4 3.6 6 1015 0 0501 74 18 29 4.8 3.5 17 1015 0 0401 74 18 28 4.3 3.9 25 1015 0 0301 75 17 28 3.2 2.6 15 1015 0 0201 76 16 29 5.1 4.3 28 1015 0 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G124: Usery Mtn. Park Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:32 PointID 80701 80702 80716 80706 80704 80705 80703 80711 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0045 0030 0030 Last Rpt 82 18 34.0463 3.07289 0 192 1018.79 0 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb wsqm 10/12/24 0101 81 18 34 3.1 0.0 192 1019 0 0001 85 15 33 0.0 0.0 110 1019 0 10/11/24 2301 86 15 34 1.8 0.0 133 1019 0 2201 86 16 35 4.9 1.0 155 1019 0 2101 89 15 36 0.0 0.0 148 1018 0 2001 94 12 34 7.1 4.0 129 1018 0 1901 91 14 36 0.0 0.0 175 1018 0 1801 95 13 37 4.3 1.0 67 1017 0 1701 99 11 36 7.6 4.0 16 1016 117 1601 101 11 37 7.0 4.0 356 1016 331 1501 101 11 37 7.9 4.0 15 1017 540 1401 100 11 37 7.9 4.0 54 1017 689 1301 101 10 35 6.4 1.0 320 1018 777 1201 98 12 37 7.1 3.0 1 1019 786 1101 95 12 35 7.5 4.0 321 1019 742 1001 92 14 37 7.0 3.0 122 1020 627 0901 89 15 36 5.4 1.0 129 1020 449 0801 86 17 36 6.4 1.0 126 1020 231 0701 77 22 36 2.7 0.0 157 1020 19 0601 76 23 35 0.0 0.0 119 1020 0 0501 78 21 35 3.3 1.0 168 1019 0 0401 80 19 34 3.3 1.0 185 1018 0 0301 89 14 35 6.3 3.0 239 1018 0 0201 82 18 35 1.0 0.0 138 1019 0 FCD of Maricopa County ALERT System G125: Wickenburg Airport Weather Summary 10/12/2024 01:01:33 PointID 52801 52802 52816 52806 52804 52805 52803 52811 DateTime 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 10/12 Value of 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 Last Rpt 76.8639 15 30.5669 6 5 288 1019.93 0 StatType last last last last last last last last DataType temp rhumid dewpnt pkwind avewind wdir baropr-m solrad Units degF rh% degF mph mph deg mb wsqm 10/12/24 0101 75 19 31 6.0 5.0 288 1020 0 0001 76 18 30 7.0 5.0 287 1020 0 10/11/24 2301 77 18 31 3.0 3.0 291 1021 0 2201 80 17 32 5.0 4.0 250 1020 0 2101 81 16 32 2.0 1.0 255 1021 0 2001 86 14 32 4.0 3.0 267 1021 0 1901 89 13 33 4.0 3.0 253 1021 0 1801 93 12 34 6.0 4.0 227 1021 6 1701 98 10 33 8.0 4.0 222 1021 131 1601 98 10 33 8.0 5.0 308 1022 338 1501 99 10 34 6.0 2.0 221 1022 528 1401 99 10 34 11.0 5.0 153 1023 668 1301 97 11 34 7.0 4.0 203 1023 761 1201 97 10 32 8.0 5.0 220 1023 783 1101 95 11 33 10.0 5.0 87 1024 728 1001 92 11 31 9.0 5.0 101 1024 602 0901 85 14 31 4.0 2.0 54 1023 425 0801 79 16 30 4.0 3.0 280 1021 208 0701 69 20 27 5.0 4.0 278 1020 39 0601 70 21 29 4.0 1.0 278 1020 0 0501 68 21 27 6.0 5.0 287 1019 0 0401 69 21 28 6.0 4.0 281 1019 0 0301 70 20 28 7.0 6.0 290 1019 0 0201 73 18 28 6.0 5.0 280 1019 0