Flood Control District of Maricopa County ALERT System Current Weather Sensor Readings 09/13/24 at 08:17 MST Weather Station Station Air Relative Dew Peak Ave. Wind Wind Solar Baro. Name Elev. Temp. Humidity Point Gust Wind Dir. Dir. Rad. Pressure (ft) (F) (%) (F) (mph) (mph) (compass) (az) (W/m*m) (mb) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aguila VFD 2170 76 21 33 6 5 E 79 -- -- Bartlett Lake 1825 79 29 44 2 0 ESE 111 366 1008 Buckeye FRS #1 1075 83 10 22 6 3 ESE 108 -- 1009 Belmont Mountains 1865 82 15 31 7 4 NE 49 290 -- Camelback Rd. @ Loop 303 1065 83 19 36 6 3 NNW 340 -- -- Carefree Ranch 2980 82 22 40 8 5 ESE 112 325 -- City of Glendale 1140 81 23 40 3 1 WNW 292 186 1010 Crossroads Park 1265 85 29 49 9 5 SE 126 286 1010 Desert Mountain School 1810 84 21 40 0 0 SW 232 321 1012 Durango Complex 1045 83 23 41 2 0 NNW 330 311 1010 EMF @ Arizona Ave. 1215 85 22 42 10 6 SE 138 289 -- Estrella Fan 1450 90 13 34 3 2 ESE 106 357 1010 Falcon Field 1370 86 27 48 4 2 W 260 -- -- *Fountain Hills Fire Dept. 1675 82 25 42 -- -- -- -- -- -- *G-F Woolsey Peak 2005 78 15 28 -- -- -- -- -- -- GateWay Community College 1140 83 25 43 5 3 ENE 62 -- -- Gila Bend Landfill 0735 81 14 28 6 5 NE 34 350 -- Gila Bend Mountains 1575 81 16 31 12 9 NNW 343 340 1010 Horseshoe Lake 2065 77 27 40 2 2 N 356 401 1013 Horsethief Basin 6710 70 19 27 6 3 ESE 113 360 1020 *Humboldt Mountain 5205 72 26 35 -- -- -- -- -- -- Jefferson Park 1395 89 25 48 6 2 SSE 165 -- -- Jomax Rd. @ 70th St. 2010 85 26 46 4 4 ESE 116 327 1011 Kleinman Park 1215 84 26 45 4 2 SE 130 -- -- Lake Pleasant 1825 80 26 41 11 7 NNW 343 -- 1014 Lake Pleasant North 1755 82 17 33 5 4 NNE 33 346 1014 Magma FRS 1625 85 24 43 6 4 ESE 108 -- -- McMicken Dam 1355 84 13 30 5 3 N 4 283 1007 *Mt. Union 7975 63 27 29 -- -- -- -- -- -- Mobile 1340 86 26 46 5 3 SSE 157 -- 1014 Osborn Rd. @ 64th St. 1250 84 29 47 5 2 SE 138 -- -- Phoenix Dam 2B 1415 85 26 46 6 4 E 86 295 1014 Rackensack Canyon 4445 78 24 38 4 3 S 189 -- 1015 Saguaro Lake 1540 89 23 46 0 0 ENE 64 331 1012 South Mountain Fan 1285 89 23 46 11 7 ESE 118 248 1010 South Mountain Park 2355 84 23 42 8 2 SSE 157 343 1007 Sycamore Creek - Upper 5820 70 25 33 18 11 S 172 -- 1020 *Thompson Peak 3485 77 29 42 -- -- -- -- -- -- Tiger Wash Fan 1615 84 17 34 8 5 NE 38 365 1011 Usery Park WS 2065 88 20 42 6 4 W 264 338 1012 Wickenburg Airport 2380 80 17 32 3 0 NNW 345 296 1014 NOTES: * These stations report only temperature, humidity and dewpoint. > All data is preliminary and unedited. > Reported data values are the most recent readings received, but not older than 1 hour. > All sensors report every 15 minutes with the exception of barometric pressure and solar radiation sensors which report every 30 minutes. > Wind direction is reported as azimuth or compass direction - a north (N) wind blows from the north. > Barometric pressure sensors are adjusted to mean sea-level elevation. > Dashes (--) indicate an absent sensor, bad data or missing data.