This site provides current rainfall, weather and buoy information for Ventura County and nearby counties. These data are updated every 10 minutes.

Use the Datasets Menu and Dailog to change rainfall period or select weather or ocean temperature.

This map was created from provisional data that has not been checked or verified for accuracy.  Some data on this map comes from sources other than Ventura County Watershed Protection District.  Ventura County Watershed Protection District has no control over the accuracy and type of data transmitted. This map was created solely for the convenience of the County and related public agencies.  The County does not warrant the accuracy of this map, and no decision involving a risk of economic loss or physical injury should be made from the data available on this site.

Show Symbols for Sites with no Rain
Ventura County Boundary
Ventura County Streams

= Gage has reported that no precipitation has occurred in the time step listed above.
= Gage has not reported in last 24 hours.  Data missing.

Temp = Temperature
RH = Relative Humidity
FT = Fuel Temperature
FM = Fuel Moisture
= Gage has not reported in last 3 hours.  Data missing.

Ocean Temperature
= Buoy has not reported in last 3 hours.  Data missing.